Home Values
Real Estate Value Supporting Data
July 23, 2016

Drilling vs. The American Dream: Fracking Impacts on Property Rights and Home Values

Drilling and The American Dream: Your Perfect Home in a Colorado Gas Patch

Analysis: U.S. Drilling Boom Leaves Some Homeowners in a Big Hole

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Recent Updates

WOGC MOU Provision Recommendations
February 12, 2017

Two documents were sent to the Broomfield City Council detailing necessary improvements to the MOU to better protect the residents of Broomfield

Community and Health Impacts of Oil and Gas Development Symposium - November 3, 2016
January 5, 2017

Meeting minutes and slides from the Wildgrass and Anthem Symposium held in November, 2016

Home Values
Extraction's planned Broomfield Expansion
January 5, 2017

Extraction delivered a presentation to investors today. It provided more information on their planned growth into Broomfield

Extraction Oil and Gas Safety Record
January 5, 2017

In the past two years, Extraction has had 16 documented spill incidents. This post explores those.