Extraction Oil and Gas Safety Record
January 5, 2017

In the past two years, Extraction has had 16 documented spill incidents. 7 of these spills have been at legacy / inherited sites and had been going on for an indeterminant amount of time.  9 have been at modern operational facilities operated by Extraction that are similar (but smaller) than what's being proposed in north Broomfield.

Extraction documented 6 of those 9 incidents as Human Error, resulting in 200-300 barrels of oil and produced water being spilled.  

Quoting some of the incidents:

In spite of these human error incidents, Extraction acknowledged no culpability in any of the incident reports. Vendors, freezing temperatures, and other factors were always cited. It was never “we left the valve open”.  Instead it’s “a valve was left open”. 

The spills are summarized here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p28w5zimqcyexig/Extraction-Spills.xlsx?dl=1 (one other thing of note in these details is that 13 out of the 16 spills escaped secondary containment).

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Extraction Oil and Gas Safety Record
January 5, 2017

In the past two years, Extraction has had 16 documented spill incidents. This post explores those.