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Extraction's planned Broomfield Expansion

July 21, 2016

Extraction delivered a presentation to investors today. It showed their planned growth into Broomfield. The slides detailed their plans to the investment community for continued, extensive growth south. The presentation includes a variety of financial numbers and projections going forward.  It talks about changing well completion methods and drilling longer horizontal wells for more profits.  There is no mention of using pipelines or any of the other increased costs as they expand large-scale development into residential areas. In fact, Extraction's only intended use of a pipeline appears to its "Robust pipeline of acquisition opportunities".

The screenshots below are from the presentation. The full presentation can be found here: http://ir.extractionog.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=254439&p=irol-presentations

Extraction's Planned 14 years of Drilling

Continued Expansion into Broomfield

Extensive Expansion Throughout the Region

Extraction is Planning Longer Horizontal Wells
Home Values

Realtors - Broomfield City Council Communications

July 21, 2016

Yesterday, realtors in our community and the surrounding area sent the following communication to the Broomfield City Council. We followed this up with our presence at the City Council meeting tonight.  Communication is now active and ongoing between these realtors and we'll add to this post a summary outcome of that effort as it becomes available.

Home Values

Real Estate Value Supporting Data

July 21, 2016

Drilling vs. The American Dream: Fracking Impacts on Property Rights and Home Values

Drilling and The American Dream: Your Perfect Home in a Colorado Gas Patch

Analysis: U.S. Drilling Boom Leaves Some Homeowners in a Big Hole

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